Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Academic and Intellectual Profile

This summer I read Warbreaker and Elantris, both by Brandon Sanderson, Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin, On Writing by Stephen King, and How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card. I'm currently powering through George Orwell's 1984 as quickly as humanly possible.

I also read several short stories by Issac Asimov, Various blog articles related to my internship at 20,000 Dialogues (primarily by Michael Wolfe and Alex Kronemer), as well as several miscelaneous articles and blogs on various topics, including Search Engine Optimization, interfaith endeavors around America, writing techniques and exercises. I’ve tried to also keep up with current affairs via the CNN website and, for kicks, The Onion.

I keep up with some 23 webcomics, each with ongoing stories and their own tone and commentary. I also follow several figures I find influential on Twitter, such as Brandon Sanderson, Stephen Colbert, and Neil Gaiman. Though broken up into smaller installations, I consider the aggregate experience of keeping up with these sources to qualify as reading.

Before I read, I open the book. If I got the book at a bookstore, I will have already read the back or inside cover. As I read, I find myself visualizing what the author is describing and ascribing my own details where he or she leaves gaps. After reading I try to meditate on what the story was, overall, what it was meant to say and who the characters are. I try to find ways in which said characters resemble people I know. This process of analysis usually follows the reading, as while I am reading a story I find that critical thought takes a back-seat to the experience.

Writing: My writing tends to be either heavy on analysis and wanting in examples, or heavy in examples and sparse in analysis. I need to find a balance between the two. My prose tends to reflect a standard academic tone, though I try to insert my sense of humor whenever appropriate.

One thing that I have struggled with throughout my academic career is my work ethic. This weakness has come through in my procrastination and occasional failure to complete homework. However, I hope to remedy this in the coming year. At the same time, I believe one of my strengths is my ability to engage in intellectual discussion.

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